a)Katelan Foisy
q) Where do you live and work?
q)What is your creative process like?
a)My creative process is well, a process. I start out by gathering various photos to work with and manipulating them on the computer. I sometimes manipulate them by hand (ie tearing them apart and pasting them together). I then draw over my photo manipulations adding bits of paper and paint to create textures on top of the pictures. I add glazes at the end to give an aged look to my pieces.
q)What is your favorite medium?
a)I enjoy working with collage, paint and various inks.
q)What is your current favorite subject?
a)I’m currently working on portraits of adult actresses and burlesque performers. I also love working with bands. Making portraits of people has been a long time love affair.
q)How long does it take for you to finish a piece?
a)It depends on the piece. Usually the longest part is collecting reference photos and manipulating. I can usually paint and collage very quickly. A piece can take anywhere from a couple of hours to a couple of days to complete.
q)What has been your biggest accomplishment so far?
a)I have a piece on Martin Delany in the Ohio History Museum. I am honoured to be a part of that. I also have enjoyed my work with The Grammy Awards and Pornsaints.org.

q)Are there any contemporary artists that you love?
a)I am deeply inspired by SWOON.
q)Can we buy your art anywhere?
a)My art can be purchased directly through me or through the pornsaints website. I also have prints for sale on my etsy site. http://lagitana.etsy.com/
q)Anything that people should know about that we don’t??
a)I’m pretty much an open book.
q)What is your best piece of advice for those who would like to rise in their level of artistry?
a)Be persistent, be patient, and get your name out there as much as possible. The internet can be an incredible tool for those trying to make it in the art world. I got some great advice when I was in school. My teacher told me, “Don’t be surprised if you don’t get work your first two years on your own.” This kept me from getting discouraged.
q)What inspires you to keep going when the work gets frustrating or tough?
a)I take some time to regroup and listen to music that inspires me or take a walk to a gallery or museum. Seeing other peoples work is truly inspiring.
q)How do you describe your work to those who are unfamiliar with it?
a)Gritty but pretty. I usually describe it as realistic collage and painting.

q)What kind of training did you have which helped you achieve your current level of artistry?
a)I graduated from Pratt Institute with a BFA in illustration. After Pratt I read as much as I could on the business and started to put myself out there.
q)Is there a tool or material that you can’t imagine living without?
a)Photographs and acrylic paint.
q)Who are your influences?
a)Frida Kahlo, Scheile, Picasso, Francis Bacon, Dave McKean, SWOON.
q)What inspires you to create?
a)The world. I love street art, I love computer art, and I love erotic art. There are so many things in this world to be inspired by it’s hard to pick just one.

q)…your contacts…
a) www.katelanfoisy.com
http://bloodandpudding.livejournal.com/ (personal blog)
katelanfoisy.blogspot.com (art blog)
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