q)Please tell us your name and where you practice.
a)Ron Kibble
q) Why do you make art
a)It’s a release of thoughts
q) How do you work
a)Spontaneous consciousness
The beats philosophy of first thought best thought
q)What´s your background?
a)I started viewing my self as an artist in highschool
I studied design at the university
q) What role does the artist have in society?
a)It’s is a great representation of the society
q) What was a seminal experience for you ?
a)Not sure what you asking with this question
q) Has your practice changed over time ?
a)Only with subject matter like with everyone i am the accumulation of life events
q) What art do you most identify with ?
a)I dont really identify with most other artist but i can appreciate other arts voice
q)What´syourstrongest memory of your childhood ?
a)My childhood was riddled with exams
I spent the first 5 years of life in a hospital because of an illnesses many times i was supposed to die
I have dyslexia and at the time schools did not recognize it as a learning disability so i was an out cast in grade school
I grow up on the grounds of an adolescent center
q) What themes do you pursue ?
a)The human experience
q) Describe a real life experience that inspired you.
a)I pull my images from the totality of my life
q)What´s your most embarrassing moment ?
a)I do not believe in shame guilt or regret
q) What jobs have you done other than being an artist ?
a)I work in behaviour health
In the past i work in retail ,popcorn factory and water bottling factory
q) What responses have you had to your work ?
a)Seems people either love or hate it
q) What do you dislike about the artworld?
a)Nothing it is what it is
q) What research do you do ?
a)Absolutely nothing
q) What is your dream project?
a)Eventually i would like to do billboard size painting
q)What´s the best piece of advice you have been given ?
a)Be true to yourself
q) What couldn’t you do without?
a)Art love money
q) What makes you angry?
a)Nothing i just keep moving forward
q) What is your worst quality?
a)I am who i am good bad beautiful ugly it all makes me the man i am
q)Dogs or Cats ?
a)I have a dog
q) Making art is a lot like being on lsd.Know what I mean ?
a)We are all on our own trip
Thats what makes life so amazing
q) What does “ copy” mean to you ?
a)To reproduce something that someone else did and claim it as your own
q)What´s your favorite cuss word ?
a) God damn mother fucking bitch