q)Walk us through an intimate day in your
a)Every day is different specially these
days I am taking my master here
at Bergen ,
Norway at Bergen Academy
of art and design. I spend much of my
time in my studio and going late to
sleep.! Crazy Habit and I like it.
q) Where did you grow up/where do you
live now and how does that contribute to your art?
a)My first five years and was brought up
in Irapetra which is a town in Creta ,
Greece ,
than I moved to Iceland in very
small fishing town and than later to town called Akureyri.
Been there most of my adult life. I am
not sure if I be honest I have not think of it that much.
q) What is your earliest memory that
propelled you to create?
a)Wow that is a hard one. I wish I
remember that.
q) Tell us a little bit about your
creative process.
a)I usually start with vague idea
sometimes I come up with something which appears
in the process or I use pictures or
something which interest me. Than the work has begun
and usually that ends up with picture I
had no intend to do. The process is crucial in my practise
it is a special things which happend,
surprises and other magical things.
q) How do you wish for your art to be
a)I have always had a simple idea about
that, if I like it than very likely
someone somewhere would do it as well.
q) What do your internal dialogues sound
q) Do you feel that there are limitations
to what you want to create?
a)No, not really.
q) Do you feel art is vital to survival
and if so, why?
a)Yes, it saved my life.
q) Describe a world without art.
a)Nothing to describe.
q) Tell us a secret, and obsession.
a)Do your thing and find your obsession.
q) Where can people see more of your work
on the internet?